UNESCO: Old City of Salamanca

The Old City of Salamanca has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988. Due to its old University (it was one of the best by 1250), and a variety of architectural styles among buildings -including Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, the city is a true keepsake of history. The Old City includes:  “the Plaza Mayor, Clerecía (Jesuit seminary), college of Calatrava, Colegio San Ambrosio and the churches of San Sebastián and Santa Cruz de Canizares, the New Cathedral and San Esteban” (whc.unesco.org). I have to tell you that the atmosphere, the people, and the buildings are just so…Salamanca! Like I said before, there are no parts or sections, I think that we need to look at Salamanca as a whole, in its complexity and its integrity. That’s why it’s so amazing. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves:

Note: Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells) is not on the heritage list, but I still posted some photos of it here, because it is part of El Camino de Santiago. “The scallop shell, often found on the shores in Galicia, is the traditional symbol of the Camino de Santiago”

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