Getting to know the Western Carpathians I: Zichy Cave & Révi falls
Over a month ago, on a lovely sunny day at the end of April, a few of us went to explore the Western Carpathians. Although I’ve been there a few times during field trips with the school, but that usually resulted in getting out of the bus, seeing the site, into the bus again and so much for “exploring”…We went by train, the ride lasted almost two hours. When we finally arrived, and walked for about half an hour, we found ourselves in front of a beautiful little waterfall:
We quickly made some photos from the other side of the river, not knowing that later on we will be standing right in front (and climbing through the back) of this very waterfall. We walked to the other side and climbed up to the cave, from which the water-and the waterfall- were coming out. There was a symbolic fee of 2 lei (o,4 euros), really nothing if you consider the beauty of the cave which you can see inside:
Stalagmites and stalactites rule the place, owning formations one more beautiful than the other. The cave is (arguably) nicely build up with bridges and ladders, so that every tourist can make its way through it. Although the ladders are pretty steep and the rocks are quite slippery, if you’re careful, you can’t really hurt yourself. Some places are really shallow, so you have to watch out for your head too:
There’s a watercourse that leads on the path of the cave, and it is very-very clean (as you can see on the photo below). This watercourse, as it surfaces, becomes a tiny stream, later on falling from the rocks, creating Révi waterfall.
After visiting this impressive limestone formation, our journey continued with walking down to the “root” of the waterfall. We got a pretty close look at it, and as a bonus, there was a small hole behind the waterfall, which we could climb into, and got to see everything “from the inside”:
This is just the beginning of the day, see where we climbed up and what we also got to see that day in the next post :). Have a lovely Tuesday!
We spent a very nice day there, everyone should experience that feeling what nature is capable of giving to us !
Great adventure you had there, and lovely waterfalls 😉
wait ’till you see the next parts 🙂 I only have to buy some space for my photos.. 🙂
Whoaa … Can’t waiit!!! 🙂 🙂